Everything Old
When I was a teenager back in the early 70s, most of the youth ministry in churches revolved around choirs. There were other times of fun and fellowship, but the living out of what we were learning in Bible study found its application through youth choir. I think part of this may have been because this was the age of the Jesus People, which eventually morphed into Contemporary Christian music. Music spoke to my generation in ways unlike any before.
We use to sing a song by Paul Johnson, "Make Us One." I didn't know it then, but it was based on John 17:21. I was reminded, or maybe better, discovered, this as I was looking for this month's memory verse and working on the artwork for it. It is encouraging to see the things living in the shadows of the past peeking through into the light of today. They are blessings in several ways: reminders of good times, teachers of new understanding, and encouragers that God is still in control.
I will leave you with the lyrics as best as I can remember them:
"Make us one, Father God, make us one;
that the world may know You gave Your only Son.
Fill us with the love You've given us to share
and protect us from the evil everywhere.
Send us in the world to be a channel of
all the glorious riches of Your love.
And we'll tell the world the truth of how you feel,
That the world may know Your love for us is real."
Your greatest proof of God's existence is the love you show one another.